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Welcome to Tunes 4 the Troops

A great way to let the United States Military know we support them.

Please visit my new website at;

Tunes 4 the Troops is very proud to partner with America Supports You. To find many other great ways to support our troops please visit



Please continue to tell everyone you know about what I am doing for the Troops. Remember, the CD's dont have to be new they can be used. When you download the music to your ipods, send them to Tunes 4 the Troops.

Remember, it’s not about whether you support the war or oppose the war, but it is all about supporting the Troops!


As of May 22nd , 2007 we have sent over 43,000 CD's, DVD's and Books on CD to out Troops!!

This is because of the 50 satellite locations all across the Country that have joined with me to support our Troops!!

If you do the math at just $15.00 each the donated items total well over $660,000!!!

I am so excited to have been able to do as much as we have in such a short time.

Thank you to all that are involved and have donated your time and or your CD's and DVD's to our brave Troops!

God Bless America and our Troops